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Thursday, October 09, 2014

Blessed RICHARD THIRKELD to Catholic prisoners

also known as THIRKELL



"WHO has now cast you into prison, or who can do so without the permission of Divine Providence ? Whose cause is it that you have taken upon you to defend but that of Christ Himself? Whose soldiers are you but Christ's ? Whose is the Standard under which you serve Christ but the Holy Spirit? Who is the Captain of your warfare but Christ ? Who is it that will pay you the reward of veteran soldiers but Christ ? Who is it that will crown you as conquerors but Christ ? Who is it that will unite you to those holy men of God who have waged these battles before you but Christ? Who is it that will bring you to the glorious palms of the martyrs but Christ ? Who is He by whose help and blessing you hope to obtain for your possession the bliss of eternal glory, together with blessed Lacey, Kirkman, Thompson, and Hart, and your other fathers of happy memory, but Christ ? Be brave and faithful, then, and let no torments, crosses, or afflictions lead you to fail in courage. If the Lord Mayor should commit you to yet closer custody, Christ your Captain will grant you to roam far and wide in His royal palace of delights."

" But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour."—HEB. ii. 9.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this quotation - I've appropriated it for my Saints blog! Hope that's OK - I have of course credited you as the source.

Dominus Vobiscum,


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